Spare Time and Hobbies
Hobbies are activities, which we do in our free time. There are so many types of hobbies one can choose for his or her own. Some hobbies are expensive, some are dangerous, some are very romantic, some are very time-consuming ( časově náročné ).
Typical men's hobbies:
Sport, stamps, watching football, ice hockey, motorbikes, cars, computers, Internet…
Typical women's hobbies:
Knitting (pletení), painting and going to galleries, theatres, cooking…
….but now men and women have often same hobbies.
Collecting hobbies
We can collect a lot of kinds of thing - usually people collect the stamps, postcards or badges (znak), some people collect unusual things as old cars, plain models, old motorbikes or other interesting things, which could be very expensive.
Art hobbies
Going to the theatre, concert, opera; play some instrument (the most popular instrument is guitar); painting, writing, sculpturing, poetry, photography. There are many clubs amateur dramatics, singing, dancing…
Sports, games
Everybody do some sport activity - sport is healthy, keep us fit and keep our condition. Many students are members of a sports club - athletics, basketball, volleyball, swimming, handball and judo.
Family hobbies
For example travelling, mushrooming, many families have their cottages and people spend lots of time there (tending (tíhnout) to their gardens - they grow fresh and healthy fruit and vegetables, nice flowers - cutting grass and repairing the old house).
My hobbies
I think I am talented in painting and drawing, I love it and it is my big love. My favourite theme of drawings are flowers and nature. I have my pictures hung on my walls and my friends like it. I like engrawing too, it is paper plate covered with black skin and u have to grave it. I have my big dream, I would like to have easel (stojan) to paint better. I love painting in nature especially in grass. When I was young I wanted to be profesional painter but it isnt good job in this time.
My another hobbies is music and kitten. Music is very important in my live. Music gives me relaxation and if I am depresed music hepl me to be in good mood. I prefer pop, dance music and sometimes rock, but i dont like opera and serious music. My favorite singer is Robbie Williams, he is the biggest male singer to come out of Britain in a long, long time. I like his songs and his english, I can understand and translace a parts of songs and i like it.