Education in Our Country and Our School
I study at hight school. This year I will finish with a school-leaving examination. then I would like to study at university or a collage.
In the Czech Republic we have a nursery school. Children go there from the age of 3 to 6. Not many children attend créches, but quite a lot of them attend kindergartens.At the age of six children start to go to primary schools. There they stay until the age of 15. After primary school pupils go to secondary school, after they passed an entrance examination. We have 3 types of secondary schools. Grammar school, special school and vocational school. Secondary education usually lasts 4 years. The school-leaving examination is taken in four subjects (or 5 and more). Than we have universities and collages. Our oldest university is Charles´ University in Prague founded by Charles IV. in 1348. The university and collage´ students can enroll at three-years courses for a Bachelor´s Degree or 4 and 5 - years courses for a Master Degree.
In our school we have these subjects: Literature, English, German, Economics, Marketing, Management, Accounting, Law and Physical Education. This subject I have in this year. Other classes have Geography, History and in all years Information Technology, too. We start school from 7.00am. to 3.30pm. Our lessons takes 45 minutes and then we have a break. Our school years is from September to June. In July and August we have a summer holiday.
In our school building I like coloured classrooms. It´s very nice and modern. The design is good, I like it, too. Then, good idea is the microwave oven and the sofa in our social room. Great is a class of Information Technology. There I spent a lot of time. Flooding water is the worst thing. School, where I study, is small, but there is fine atmosphere among students and teachers.
Secondary school studies last for four years. At the end of the fourth year students must pass a graduation examination, usually consisting of oral and written parts. Knowledge of four subjects - five at some specialized schools - is verified here. The Czech language exam is compulsory, while other subjects are determined either by the institute itself or left to the choice of the students. From each subject a student select one question, which should be answered and discussed for fifteen minutes. The graduation examination committee rules as to how we performed. If we do not manage to pass the examination on our first attempt, we are offered a second chance in September.
If we want to study at college or university, we must successfully pass the entrance examination and interviews. The choices are really quite wide-ranging. We can decide whether we will study at a school with a technical, humanitarian or economic orientation, one of the medical faculties, or at the conservatory for those of us who are more talented. Universities ant Technical Universities have several levels. The lowest, usually lasting three years, is the bachelor's degree. We achieve the title of bachelor. We can also opt for study at a teacher's college, upon the completion of which we obtain the title of master. After completing studies at an economics or technical college we obtain the title of engineer. The completion of studies is marked by a ceremony called graduation, where we get a diploma certifying the successful completion of our studies.
One of our most renowned universities is Charles University, founded in 1348 by Charles IV. This school was the first university in Central Europe.